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8th Annual
Conference on 
Education and Poverty
Millersville University

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D., Director

Conference Committee:

Dr. Ann Marie Licata, Dr. Wendy Kubasko,

Dr. Miriam Witmer, Dr. Camille Hopkins, Dr. Tiffany Wright


The purpose of the Conference on Education and Poverty is to  share information, practices, policies, and research pertaining to working with students in poverty.


Welcome to the 2nd Conference on Poverty and Education.


We are pleased to share that our first conference in 2017 attracted over 300 participants and included 2 nationally renowned key note speakers, 2 panel sessions, a documentary film, and over 30 concurrent sessions! (Click HERE for 2017 program). 

This conference brings together both scholars and practitioners in a multi-disciplinary research platform and forum for discussion to promote the well-being and education of children living in poverty. 

This conference is a venue for those interested in an exchange of ideas focused to helping promote the education and lives of children living in poverty.  University faculty, teachers, administrators, psychologists, social workers, other professionals, and community members are welcome to come together to focus on research and practice.


Proposals for sessions from scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders in all areas are sought. Proposals are double blind, peer-reviewed. 


The conference features key note addresses from nationally renown experts, panel discussions, documentary film and discussion, concurrent sessions, and opportunities for networking.

We look forward to having you join us at the conference!



Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D., Conference Coordinator


Conference Committee:

Dr. Laura Granruth, Social Work

Dr. Hadi Halawa, Wellness & Sports Science

Dr. Ojama Edeh Herr, Special Education

Dr. Nakeiha Primus Smith, Educational Foundations

Dr. Rita Smith-Wade-El, Psychology

Conference on

Education & Poverty


Saturday, November 23rd

8:30 a.m. Registration, Posters, & Breakfast

Gordinier Hall, Lehr Dining Room

Please visit posters by Master's in Education and Educational Leadership

and Undergraduate Education Major Students

while you enjoy breakfast!

Back to School Night Revamp, Andrew Walters, Teacher, Mechanicsburg SD

Student Athlete Professional Development, Carl Mummert, Teacher, SDOL

Executive Functioning Skills: Supporting Students at Home, Laurel Hill, Teacher, Hempfield SD

Pathways to Success Night, Janice M. Koontz, Teacher, Eastern Lebanon County SD

Increasing Engagement in the Family-Teacher Organization, Ashley Lentz, Teacher, Dallastown SD

Student of the Month, Lindsay Naugle, IT Specialist, SD of the City of York

Free Piano Class, Shan Gao, Student, Millersville University

SEL Movie Night, Yaliza Morales, Interim Principal, SDOL

4th Grade Family Discovery Night, Julie M. Miller, Teacher, Donegal SD

Multi-Lingual Family Volunteer Services, Erika Torres, Teacher, W. York Area SD

Student Athlete Professional Development, Judith Veitia, Principal Resident, SDOL

Link Crew Community Outreach Video, Zach Starry, Teacher, Penn Manor SD

Grade Level Expectations, Tips, & Activities to Support at Home, Jaclyn Smith, Teacher, Hempfield SD

Bingo Bash: Family Fun Night, Brynn Raub, Teacher, Solanco SD

Evaluating the Educational Facts, Opportunities, Challenges, and Experiences for Refugee Students, Catherine Samer, Student, Millersville Univeristy

Key to Expression: Impacts of Book Banning on Teachers and the Classroom Environment, Ainslee Martin, Student, Millersville University

Students in Poverty and Academic Opportunity, Claudia Lutz, Student, Millersville University

Equitable Participation in School Music Ensembles, Kellee Roberts, Student, Millersville University

Arming Teachers: A Controversial Reponse to Gun Violence, Zachary Hale, Student, Millersville University

Standardized Testing in America, Alyssa Warner, Student, Millersville University

Book Banning and the Effects on Marginalized Groups/Communities, Jessica Miller, Student, Millersville University

Multicultural Education: Effects, Benefits, Importance, John Hansen, Student, Millersville University

Equipping and Involving Parents in their Student's Educationaal Journey, Julia Osman, Student, Millersville University

The Pros and Cons of the Every Stduent Succeedd Act (ESSA), Aubrey Bitner & Samantha Barber, Students, Millersville University

The Effects of Eurovision on Students, Connor Wilson, Student, Millersville University

What are the Challenges that Immigrant Students Have to Face?, Gabrielle Gutierrez, Student, Millersville University

Pros and Cons of School Dress Code & The Effect on Self Confidence, Megan Thorne, Student, Millersville University Book Banning in U.S. Schools: Preserving History or Aiding Racism?, Abigail Michaels, Millersville University

School Funding: Charter vs Public Schools, Brady Logue, Student, Millersville University

How Does School Funding Affect Academic Performance?, Keri Hagenbuch, Student, Millersville University

9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m. Opening Welcome and Panel Discussion

Gordinier Hall, Lehr Dining Room


Opening Welcome! 

Alumni & Faculty Panel Discussion:

What Are We Up To As Scholar Leaders?

Reflections on Current Work and Its Impact on Schools

Drs. Chad Bumsted, Ann Gaudino, Camille Hopkins, Wendy Kubasko, Ann Marie Licata, Kristy Szbocsan, Steve Szbocsan, Travis Waters, Miriam Witmer, Tiffany Writght

10:20 a.m.-11:05 a.m.  Concurrent Sessions 1


Gordinier/Lehr Dining Room

Undergraduate & Master's Student Poster Sessions

SMC 18

The Ripple Effect of Adversity: Exploring the Impact of Teachers’ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social-Emotional Competence on Disciplinary Actions in Schools Across Socioeconomic Contexts

Amanda Griffin, Director, Lancaster County Academy

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

An Examination of the Impact School Social Workers Have on the Graduation Rate of Homeless & Highly Mobile Students

Erin Pittman, Principal-Boiling Springs High School, South Middleton School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 24

A Comparison of the GPA of 11th and 12th Grade Students in a Rural School Who Do or Do Not Participate in at Least One Dual Enrollment Class 

Sean Cummins, High School Principal, Huntingdon Area School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

A Quantitative Study of High School Students' Self Assessments of Cybersecurity Familiarity and Interests

Cynthia Lehman, Mathematics Faculty, Messiah University

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 118

Small Group Mathematics Interventions for 6th Grade Middle School Students

Mark Herb, Asst. Principal Intermediate School, Conewago Valley School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Evaluating the Impact of Paraprofessional Targeted Training Programs on Retention and Effectiveness: A Quantitative Study

Tracy Williams, Director of Human Resources, Lincoln Intermediate Unit

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

11:10-12 noon Concurrent Sessions 2

SMC 18

Belonging Matters: Enhancing Career Longevity for Black, Indigenous, People of Color Administrators

Marquis Jones, Assistant Principal, Palmyra Area School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

An Analysis of Perceived Authenticity Among Black and White School Leaders in Predominantly White School Districts

Durrell L. Burns, Assistant Principal, Central Dauphin School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 24

Using Predictors of Academic Challenges to Support Students As They Transition to High School

Emma Melhorn, Assistant Principal- Eastern York High School, Eastern York School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SES and Academic Achievement of K-12 Cyber Learners

Teresa Black, Academic Team Member, Central Pennsylvania Digital Learning Foundation

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 118

The Factors that Increase the Retention of Teachers of Color: A Quantitative Inquiry

Tamira Howard, Assistant Prinicipal, Central Dauphin School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Leadership Style and Teacher Job Satisfaction: A Quantitative Study on Elementary Teacher Perceptions of Leadership and its Correlation to Job Satisfaction in Title I Schools

Christopher Barry, Director of Special Education, Red Lion Area School District

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 202

Walking in Their Shoes: A Poverty Simulation for Professionals in Education

Kate Donnan, Tyler Hart, Emily Lyons, Jennae Piper


The Hidden Rules of Poverty: A Framework for Understanding

Hillary Buckwalter, Chelsea Connelly, Doreen Garvey, Helga Mendez

Peer Coaching: Fostering Professional Growth to Elevate Student Success

Erik Ballard, Kathryn Cox, Megan Flinchbaugh, Brittany Wood

Master's Students in Educational Leadership, Millersville University



Millersville University 

Millersville & Shippensburg Educational Leadership Programs

Instructors of Student Presenters:

Dr. Camille Hopkins, Millersville University

Dr. Ann Marie Licata, Millersville University

Dr. Miriam Witmer, Millersville University

Dr. Tiffany Wright, Millersville University

Save the Date:

9th Annual Symposium on Educational Leadership

Saturday, May 3, 2025 Online

Conference Director:

Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D.
Millersville University
PO Box 1002
Millersville, PA  17551

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