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7th Annual
Conference on 
Education and Poverty
Millersville University

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D., Director

Conference Committee:

Dr. Ann Marie Licata, Dr. Wendy Kubasko,

Dr. Miriam Witmer


The purpose of the Conference on Education and Poverty is to  share information, practices, policies, and research pertaining to working with students in poverty.


Welcome to the 2nd Conference on Poverty and Education.


We are pleased to share that our first conference in 2017 attracted over 300 participants and included 2 nationally renowned key note speakers, 2 panel sessions, a documentary film, and over 30 concurrent sessions! (Click HERE for 2017 program). 

This conference brings together both scholars and practitioners in a multi-disciplinary research platform and forum for discussion to promote the well-being and education of children living in poverty. 

This conference is a venue for those interested in an exchange of ideas focused to helping promote the education and lives of children living in poverty.  University faculty, teachers, administrators, psychologists, social workers, other professionals, and community members are welcome to come together to focus on research and practice.


Proposals for sessions from scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders in all areas are sought. Proposals are double blind, peer-reviewed. 


The conference features key note addresses from nationally renown experts, panel discussions, documentary film and discussion, concurrent sessions, and opportunities for networking.

We look forward to having you join us at the conference!



Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D., Conference Coordinator


Conference Committee:

Dr. Laura Granruth, Social Work

Dr. Hadi Halawa, Wellness & Sports Science

Dr. Ojama Edeh Herr, Special Education

Dr. Nakeiha Primus Smith, Educational Foundations

Dr. Rita Smith-Wade-El, Psychology

Conference on

Education & Poverty



Thursday, November 16

10:50 a.m. - 12 noon Undergraduate Day

Stayer 108/109


Students of Dr. Deemer and Dr. Witmer

Panel presentation by School District of Lancaster and Spring Grove School District administrators and teachers surrounding serving students in poverty.

Roundtables for MU education majors by school district professionals.


Saturday, November 18

8:30 a.m. Registration, Posters, & Breakfast

Gordinier Hall, Lehr Dining Room

Please visit posters by Master's in Education and Educational Leadership students

while you enjoy breakfast!


9:00 a.m. Opening Welcome and Keynote Speaker

Gordinier Hall, Lehr Dining Room


Opening Welcome! President Daniel Wubah, Millersville Univ.

Keynote Speaker:  Joyce Epstein, Ph.D. 

Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Co-Director, Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships
Co-Director, National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS)


10:20 a.m.-11:05 a.m.  Concurrent Sessions 1


Gordinier/Lehr Dining Room

Undergraduate & Master's Student Poster Sessions cont.

School, Family, Community Relations Promising Partnership Projects Posters

Students of Dr. Hopkins

Kimberly Pearl, Data and Instruction Specialist, Central Dauphin SD

Kate Rennix, Dean of 10th Grade, Wilson HS

Megan Flinchbaugh, Spanish Teacher, Manheim Central SD

Samantha Waldman, 2nd Grade Teacher, Easter Pennsboro Area SD

Erik Ballard, 5th Grade Teacher, Penn Manor SD

Sarah Jagroo, 2nd Grade Teacher, School District of Lancaster

Emily Lyons, Coordinator of Virtual School/Learning Support Teacher, Penn Manor SD

Jannae Piper, 5th Grade Teacher, East Pennsboro SD

Mary Manlove, Instructional Coach, PASD

Abraham Moore,Teaching Professional, Governor Mifflin SD

Shaun Karli, Graduate Student, Millersville University

Xinge Jiang, Graduate Student Millersville University

Brooke Day, Teacher, School District of Lancaster

Students of Dr. Licata and Dr. Witmer

Overcoming the Obstacles Associated with Poverty by Focusing on Education, Persistence, and Grit, Erika Torres, Kindergarten Teacher, West York Area SD

How Does Poverty in School Districts Affect Student Achievement and Teacher Achievement? Elisabeth Aparicio & Nicole Kudia, English Education Majors

Integrating Students with Disabilities into General Education Classes, Eric Then, Graduate Student

 Relationships Matter in the Future Educator Pathway,Julia Fallows, President Color of Teaching

Building Credibility in Education, Dan Moser, Intern, Penn Manor HS

Alternatives to Zero Tolerance, Rachel Wisnom, Graduate Student

Police in our Schools: Examinations and Refletions, Matthew Anderson, Graduate Student

Controversy Around Social Emotional Learning, Maria Bertoncini, Graduate Student

11:10-12 noon Concurrent Sessions 2

SMC 18

The Impact of Interactive Assignments on Middle School Teacher Perceptions of Family Engagement

Troy Sauer, Principal, Northern MS

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Sixth Grade Staff Perceptions of Family Engagement in High Poverty, Urban Middle Schools

Brian Granger, Principal, West Shore SD

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

How Grandfamilies Navigate Schools Systems

Jenna Gaston, Asst. Principal, Jefferson County-DuBois Area Vocational Technical School

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 24

If We Know Explicit Instruction in Phonics Works, Why Aren’t We Using It?

Elizabeth O'Brien, District Elementary English Language Arts Coach, School District of Lancaster

Master's Student in Educational Leadership

Cognitive Ability, Reading Level, & Poverty

Ashley Martin, Elementary Principal, Greencastle-Antrim SD

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Reading Development of PreKindergarten Students from Poverty and Nonpoverty

Samantha Neidlinger, Director of Student Services, Steelton-Highspire SD

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 118

The Relationship Between Student Absenteeism and Staff Perception of School Climate

Jassinya Alvarado, Assistant Director of School Climate, School District of Lancaster

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experience & Behavior Referrals of Students Living in Poverty

David Archer, Principal, Susquehanna Twp. High School

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

School District Support for Students with Developmental Trauma-Based Mental Health Needs

Dawnmarie Ezzo, Ph.D., Lecturer, Penn State University

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 202

Poverty Has No Face: Administrative Steps to Support Students

Yaliza Morales, Judith Veitia, Kathryn Rennix, Peter Dutton, Jeanette Meck, Paige Null

Principal Resident, Principal Resident, Assistant Principal, Teacher, Reading Interventionist

School District of Lancaster, Wilson HS, Pequea Valley

Master's & Supervisory Students in Educational Leadership

Asynchronous Virtual Learning & Blended Learning Online Lab

Courtney Nowak, Director of Student Services, Maheim Twp. SD

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities


12noon-12:10 Break

12:10 - 1:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 

SMC 18

PA Integrated STEELS Standards for all Students:  Equity as a guiding framework for the implementation of STEELS

Kathleen K. Blouch, Consultant STEM4PA,  Adjunct Faculty Lebanon Valley College

Master's Student in Educational Leadership

An Investigation of Middle Level Mathematics Mindset

Melissa Devlin, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development, Kutztown Area SD

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Democracy at a Crossroads: Dialogue and Discourse with Controversial Public Issues in Urban Social Studies Classrooms in an Era of Political Polarization

Paul Casseri, Superintendent, Lewiston-Porter Central SD, NY

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 24

Public High School Teacher Perceptions of Clinical Supervision

Vincent Harper, Principal, Bishop McDevitt HS

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

The Human Reaction to Organizational Cyber Threats in K-12 Institutions

John-Paul Franzen, Supervisor of Curriculum, Instruction, & AssessmentSouderton Area SD

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

COVID-19 and Teacher Retention

Trisha Reed, Princpal, S. Middleton SD

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 118

Trauma Informed in the Classroom

Brynn Raub, Teacher, Solanco SD

Master's Student in Educational Leadership

Elementary Attendance in an Urban Setting

Amber Abreu, Director of Student Services, Lebanon SD

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Staff and Parent Perspectives on Social and Emotional Learning in Elementary School

Amanda Pressley, Vice Principal, Susquehanna Twp SD

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

SMC 202

Distributive Leadership

Andrew Freas, Asst. Principal, Southern Tioga SD

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

Principal Perceptions of Preparation

Michelle Felton, Regional Lead for K-12 LEA Continuous Improvement, Statewide School Improvement Team

Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities

A Phenomenological Study on the Influence of Collective-Leader Efficacy on Principal Self-Efficacy in Rural Pennsylvania High Schools

Katrina Lee, Vice Principal, Bellefonte Area SD

Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities



Millersville University 

Millersville & Shippensburg Educational Leadership Programs

Instructors of Student Presenters:

Dr. Ann Gaudino, Millersville University

Dr. Camille Hopkins, Millersville University

Dr. Wendy Kubasko, Shipensburg University

Dr. Ann Marie Licata, Millersville University

Dr. Miriam Witmer, Millersville University

Dr. Tiffany Wright, Millersville University

Save the Date:

8th Annual Symposium on Educational Leadership


Saturday, April 27, 2024

8th Annual Conference on Education and Poverty

@Millersville University

November 23, 2024

Conference Director:

Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D.
Millersville University
PO Box 1002
Millersville, PA  17551

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